Advanced Quality
Hazmat Industries

Archive for the 'Blog' Category

Experiencing these symptoms? Then you may have a mold problem

Posted on March 26, 2016 in Blog

Experiencing these symptoms? Then you may have a mold problemMany people throughout Southern California and the entire US have mold problems in their homes or workplaces which aren’t discovered for many years. In the meantime, mold can adversely affect health, particularly if people have preexisting health conditions. Find out what the symptoms of mold issues are and whether your home or workplace may have a mold problem today.

Common mold reactions

Mold can cause many potentially adverse health effects including headaches, breathing difficulties, skin irritation, allergic reactions (sneezing, runny nose, skin rash), and the aggravation of asthma symptoms.

Variations in reactions to mold exposure depend on the type of mold that’s present, age and sensitivities, and how long the individual has been exposed to the mold problem.

Why may mold be present in my home?

Mold is present in just about all environments because it grows on just about every organic substance as long as moisture is present. When an area has excess moisture, it accumulates and a mold problem will likely develop. Molds reproduce by releasing tiny spores that waft through the air continually. When these spores find a wet place to land, they begin…


Asbestos Acoustic Ceiling Removal

Posted on March 8, 2016 in Blog

Asbestos Acoustic Ceiling RemovalYou have acoustic spray, which is also know as “popcorn” on your ceiling, it’s important that you get it removed by a company that specializes in acoustic ceiling removal. It must be properly removed because it likely contains asbestos particles. Popcorn ceiling makes your property look dated and if it contains asbestos, it can be harmful to your health the particles are disturbed during renovations or remodeling projects.

What the big deal about acoustic ceilings?

Acoustic ceilings were very popular throughout the 1950s until 1978, when the US government banned them because it allowed builders to hide bad sheet rock installations, and because of the harm asbestos exposure poses.

Why is asbestos so common if it’s harmful?

Many people wonder why so many properties contain asbestos, even though it’s been scientifically proven to cause serious diseases like asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. Well, before 1978, no one really knew how dangerous asbestos exposure was, and asbestos does have some real benefits as opposed to other construction materials.

For example, it protects other materials from fire, absorbs heat from friction, has high tensile strength as a reinforcing material, resists corrosion, insulates from heat and…


Asbestos Removal in Los Angeles CA

Posted on February 17, 2016 in Blog

Asbestos Removal in Los Angeles CAJust about everyone knows that asbestos exposure is harmful, but many people unwittingly expose themselves and others to asbestos particles because they don’t request an asbestos evaluation from a certified asbestos removal company like .


Where can asbestos be found?

Asbestos used to be used almost universally in homes and commercial properties because it has remarkable insulating and fire-retardant properties. It used to always be used in acoustic ceiling texture, floor coverings, roofing materials, heating duct insulation, and drywall joint compound. Many buildings manufactured or updated before the 1970s still contain asbestos and as such, must be treated very carefully to avoid exposing people to its harmful fibers.

Asbestos exposure is serious business

Scientific research conducted in the 1970s found that asbestos exposure was incredibly harmful, and could be a factor in serious diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis. Anytime a material that contains asbestos is disturbed either from a renovation, demolition, or remodel, it releases fibers (some of which are microscopic) that may…


Asbestos duct removal

Posted on February 5, 2016 in Blog

Asbestos duct removal Asbestos duct removal is no easy project, and it’s one that’s definitely best left up to the professionals at . While it’s not a very simple project, it’s an important one. While asbestos used to be regarded as the best material for ducts because it’s fire retardant and an effective insulator, later studies found it to be extremely detrimental to health. If asbestos-containing ducts aren’t removed effectively, asbestos fibers could contaminate your entire property.

Leave your asbestos duct removal needs to the experts at years, so you can definitely trust your asbestos duct removal project to our capable hands.

What will happen first

Call to contact one of our representatives today. We’ll set up a date and time to come check out your property and evaluate its current asbestos issues. You may have asbestos in your property’s ducts as well as other areas. If so, it’s definitely a wise idea to get it all removed at once to make sure people aren’t being exposed to harmful asbestos fibers.



Asbestos removal in Rancho Cucamonga

Posted on January 24, 2016 in Blog

Asbestos removal in Rancho CucamongaAre you looking for a company to handle your asbestos removal project? Whether you need the asbestos removed from your residential or commercial property, we’ve got you covered at .

What is ?

AQHI stands for Advanced Quality Hazmat Industries. Our name refers to our constant focus on safely removing hazardous materials from properties throughout Southern California in the most effective, safe way every time. We have many licenses and certifications that prove that we are highly qualified to be Rancho Cucamonga’s best asbestos removal company. Request an appointment today by calling !

Checking your property for asbestos contamination

We’ll gladly provide you with a thorough environmental of your entire property when you call for an appointment. Your evaluation can be conducted during the week, and often evening, early morning, and weekend appointments are available if you need that.

Using the latest tools, technology, and techniques, we’ll conduct a complete review of your property, checking for common contaminants such as asbestos, lead, mold, PCB, and fungus. Then if we find any contaminants, we’ll devise a plan to eradicate them as safely as possible. We’ll submit this proposal to you,…


Asbestos Abatement in Southern California

Posted on January 8, 2016 in Blog

Asbestos Abatement in Southern CaliforniaAre you looking for a company to handle your building’s asbestos abatement services in Southern California? There’s no better choice for all your asbestos abatement needs than .

What is ?

, your asbestos abatement request will be taken completely seriously. We can handle any project you send our way, whether big or small or anywhere in-between. We have the manpower and expertise to efficiently and perfectly handle your asbestos abatement needs anywhere in Southern California.

Asbestos Abatement Specialists


Decontamination of Lead, Mold, Fungus, and…


Possible Contamination Stressing You Out? Get Peace of Mind by calling AQHI Inc.

Posted on December 23, 2015 in Blog

Possible Contamination Stressing You Out? Get Peace of Mind by calling AQHI Inc.Has there been a sneaky suspicion lurking in your mind about whether your residential or commercial property could be contaminated? Now is the perfect time to call to find out. We’ll schedule a complete environmental evaluation of your property to determine whether it has any asbestos, lead, mold, fungus, PCBs, or other contamination issues. Choose a date and time that’s most convenient for you and our thorough technicians will check every molecule of your property, using the most advanced technology and techniques.

Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out if your property is safe to inhabit each day? Start 2016 off with complete peace of mind after you call . After your environmental evaluation is complete, we’ll provide you with an in-depth report about the status of your home. If any contaminants were found, we also offer complete remediation services.

Why decontaminate?

We’re often asked this question by curious potential clients, and we’re always happy to provide the answer. Decontamination is so important because so many of us spend the majority of our time indoors. The air…


Prepare for Christmas with AQHI Inc.

Posted on December 6, 2015 in Blog

Prepare for Christmas with AQHI Inc.Are you hosting Christmas for friends or extended family this year? How fun! Well, sort of—there are often so many important preparations that need to be taken care of that stress can threaten to take over this special time of year. But don’t let it! It’s considered normal to rush around, not really enjoying the Christmas season, but what’s the point of that?

Here are some ways that you can slow down this December and put some cheer back into this Christmas season:

  • Start the day with some silence. Maybe you set your alarm 15 minutes earlier and spend a few minutes mediating, praying, or just quietly getting centered. You’ll be amazed at the sense of peace that infiltrates your entire day.
  • Once a week, call or visit a friend or family member to catch up. It’s amazing how few of us take time to really connect with friends and family members—and no, social media interactions don’t count. You’ll find that after some conversation and sincere hugs, you’ll feel more festive than ever.
  • Prioritize what makes you happy. Sure, you still have to get the laundry and dishes done, but…

Why AQHI Inc. Exists

Posted on November 30, 2015 in Blog

Why AQHI Inc. ExistsMany people don’t know anything about the contaminants often found in residential and commercial properties throughout Southern California. They may even why wonder why exists at all. So many contaminants are completely invisible to the naked eye, and the harmful effects of exposure frequently don’t appear until years, or even decades, after exposure occurs. Why should contaminants be removed if they aren’t going to do any visible damage for so long?

Well, at , we often field questions like these. And if people don’t ask them, we suspect they’re thinking about them, but they’re too polite to ask!

That’s understandable. After all, not everyone can be an environmental expert! We at are always happy to answer your questions about environmental issues, contamination, and other related topics. That’s why we have this blog series!

This specific blog attempts to answer the previously mentioned questions, but if you have any more, please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling .

Why should we care about contamination?

Back in the 1980s and for many previous decades, the environment throughout the US was very contaminated. The lake that runs through Chicago would…


What are PCBs and Why Should I be Concerned About Them?

Posted on November 6, 2015 in Blog

What are PCBs and Why Should I be Concerned About Them? to take care of all your PCB and other contamination removal needs today.

What are PCBs?

PCBs are known carcinogens, which are substances that have been scientifically proven to be capable of causing cancer in living tissue in humans and other life forms. PCBs were used in just about all fluorescent light ballasts prior to July 1978. They contained PCBs at 50 ppm or greater in their capacitors and asphalt potting material surrounding the capacitor. If your building is older than a few decades, you…