Advanced Quality
Hazmat Industries

Placentia CA

Placentia CA

Placentia CA is known as a safe and quiet community that easily lives up to its motto: “A pleasant place to live.” The name “placentia” is quite fitting because it means pleasant in Latin. Placentia CA started out as an agricultural community where rich soil and a mild climate supported the cultivation of citrus fruits, avocados, walnuts, and grapes. The small town grew quickly once the railroad came through Placentia CA on the way to Los Angeles, but the biggest changes came in the 1960s and 70s, when the community took on a more suburban character and the population size nearly quintupled. If you own a property built during the heyday of development in Placentia CA, you may face the unpleasant realization that it contains lead paint or asbestos. Fortunately, you can turn to AQHI Inc. for assistance with lead paint or asbestos remediation, or for the removal of other environmental hazards like mold and PCBs.