Advanced Quality
Hazmat Industries

Asbestos Roof Removal in Hollywood CA

AQHI Inc. follows best practices for asbestos roof removal in Hollywood CA

Asbestos Roof Removal in Hollywood CAWas your home or commercial building constructed prior to the 1970s? Chances are good it contains asbestos. While asbestos anywhere on the property can be hazardous, asbestos in the roofing materials presents a double risk: contamination of the outdoor environment and of your indoor spaces.

So what can you do about possible contamination?

The answer is simple: call AQHI Inc. for asbestos roof removal in Hollywood CA.

As a fully licensed and insured contractor, we can safely and effectively remove any kind of asbestos-containing roofing material that may be found on your property, such as:

  • Roofing felt
  • Asphalt roofing shingles
  • Cement shingles
  • Roof underlayment
  • Sealants/mastics
  • Flashing

Our Procedures for Asbestos Roof Removal in Hollywood CA

At AQHI Inc., we have expert workers that have been fully trained on all the industry best practices for asbestos roof removal in Hollywood CA. Our trained technicians know how to locate and seal all building access points such as drains, vents, ducts, and windows so that no asbestos dust gets inside your property during the roof removal process. We wet the roofing materials and remove them in small sections, which helps minimize fiber release. When we’re done with the roof removal, the work site will be clean, safe, and ready for your roofing contractor to begin work.

Hazardous Waste Disposal Is Included

There are no hidden costs in an asbestos roof removal in Hollywood CA from AQHI Inc. because we include hazardous waste disposal costs in our bid. We are licensed for asbestos waste transport, so we can not only bag the waste as it is removed from your roof, but also remove the bags to an appropriate disposal facility.

Now you might wonder…

How Do I Know I Really Need Professional Asbestos Roof Removal?

If you have an older property that may contain asbestos, you need to get asbestos testing before disturbing the roofing materials. Why? Because disturbing the materials can cause them to release microscopic asbestos fibers, which are very hazardous to human health. Don’t risk it! Test first, and then use an expert contractor like AQHI Inc. if asbestos roof removal in Hollywood CA is necessary. We can provide you a list of testing companies if needed.

To schedule your professional asbestos roof removal in Hollywood CA, or just to get an expert estimate on the job, please contact us at 800-481-8080.

Certified Duct Removal ProcessTo view AQHI’s certified duct removal process, click on the image to the right to view the PDF:

Contact Us For Safe & Fast Asbestos Removal in Asbestos Roof Removal in Hollywood CA

Call Us

Phone: 909-989-3444
Toll-Free: 800-481-8080

Email Us

Hours of Operation

Our asbestos removal office for Asbestos Roof Removal in Hollywood CA is open Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM and closed for lunch from noon to 1:00 PM. With advance notice, projects can be scheduled for weekends, early mornings and evenings.