Advanced Quality
Hazmat Industries

Asbestos Removal in Corona CA

AQHI Inc. is your one-stop contractor for all kinds of asbestos removal in Corona CA.

Asbestos RemovalPrior to the 1970s, many different building materials were made with asbestos. For example, asbestos was often used in flooring, acoustic ceiling texture, roofing materials, cement, and mastics. Today, we know these materials are unsafe. Fortunately, AQHI Inc can help you neutralize the health threat posed by asbestos building materials by providing professional asbestos removal in Corona CA.

Now you may wonder…

Why Exactly Are Asbestos-Containing Materials Dangerous?

Materials made with asbestos aren’t really dangerous when they’re brand new and all the asbestos fibers are bound up in the matrix of the material. They only become a problem as they age and begin to shed these fibers as dust. Breathing air contaminated with asbestos fibers can cause mesothelioma or asbestosis.

Why Can’t I Do My Own Asbestos Removal in Corona CA?

It is essential to have a professional handle your asbestos removal in Corona CA for several reasons:

  • First of all, amateurs are likely to underestimate the threat posed by a damaged asbestos-containing material. Professionals know better.
  • Secondly, a DIY asbestos removal in Corona CA may actually create more contamination than was present before. This may occur because you do not know the proper protocols for asbestos removal, containment, and cleanup, or because you do not have the skills or equipment required to implement these protocols.
  • Lastly, professional assistance is required for asbestos waste disposal. Waste must be bagged properly and delivered to a hazmat waste disposal facility by a certified transporter like AQHI Inc.

As you can see, there are simply too many complex variables involved with asbestos removal in Corona CA to justify attempting a DIY job. So don’t risk it! AQHI Inc. can get the job done better, faster, and more safely than you could on your own because we understand and implement every possible safety protocol.

We Handle the Toughest Projects With Ease

Our numerous asbestos certifications mark us as a true expert in the field of asbestos removal in Corona CA. We can tackle the toughest jobs including:

  • Acoustic Ceiling Removal: Normally, we wet down asbestos-containing materials to minimize fiber release during removal. This cannot be done with popcorn ceilings, so removing them generates extra dust. Fortunately, AQHI Inc. utilizes expert containment protocols to compensate for the extra challenges of asbestos ceiling removal.
  • Asbestos Duct Removal: When removing asbestos-containing materials in and around ductwork, having a properly sealed work zone is extremely important. Otherwise, asbestos dust could easily escape into the HVAC system and contaminate other parts of the property. You can trust AQHI Inc. to use proper care when working anywhere near your HVAC system.
  • Asbestos Roof Removal: Because of the additional challenges of working in the open air, asbestos roof removal should only be undertaken by an experienced contractor like AQHI Inc. We understand the special protocols that must be followed when removing asbestos-containing roofing materials.

Call Now for a Quote on Your Project

If you suspect you need asbestos removal, do not hesitate to dial 800-481-8080 and ask the pros at AQHI Inc. for a quote.

Certified Duct Removal ProcessTo view AQHI’s certified duct removal process, click on the image to the right to view the PDF:

Contact Us For Safe & Fast Asbestos Removal in in Corona CA

Call Us

Phone: 909-989-3444
Toll-Free: 800-481-8080

Email Us

Hours of Operation

Our asbestos removal office for in Corona CA is open Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM and closed for lunch from noon to 1:00 PM. With advance notice, projects can be scheduled for weekends, early mornings and evenings.