Corona CA, or “Circle City” as some locals call it, is a thriving community situated about 45 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Corona CA features a unique street layout with a ring road around the downtown—hence the nickname Circle City. The fact that the city is home to an ethnically diverse population of young, educated families may have something to do with the many amenities available in Corona CA. For example, there are over 394 acres of parkland as well as cultural and educational programs available through local institutions like the Fender Museum of Music and the Arts. If you own a property in Corona CA, you may be concerned about the possibility of it containing environmental hazards like asbestos, lead, mold and PCBs. Fortunately, AQHI Inc. can professionally remove these environmental hazards to help keep your indoor air safe, clean, and healthy. Just give us a call and we’ll send one of our experienced professionals to help you plan and implement a remediation project.